

Page history last edited by Tony Vincent 16 years ago

#12: Collect and rank ideas, comments, and suggestions


Google Moderator - Create your own series for others to contribute to and rank.



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What have we not covered on the list that you'd like to hear more about? What else would you like to have addressed in the closing?

Comments (3)

Joe said

at 4:26 pm on Feb 4, 2009

How to utilize this resources in an Algebra 2 class where the students will need to use algebra symbols in thier typing?

Tony Vincent said

at 5:02 pm on Feb 4, 2009

You can copy and paste symbols from places like http://www.copypastecharacter.com/

Wally Katolik said

at 5:32 pm on Feb 4, 2009

What would be the best way to have a paperless classroom given that the classroom is outfitted with a 'Smart' Board, DLP, wireless access, and laptop cart so each student has one at least during class?

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